Weekly starting weight : 208lbs

Current # Push ups in a row: 47

Eating Style: Keto with Bi Weekly Low Fat Carb Ups

Daily Macro Goals: 2,010 Calories/266g Pro/ 178g Carb/26g Fat


100 Push Up challenge update: I finished week 4 of the hundred pushups.com program, which was my 3 week of the program. Then I re-tested my consecutive push-up numbers and my new number is 47? This is an increase of 15 push ups in 3 weeks, which I would consider really great progress.

This week begins week 4 of the challenge and this is technically week 5 of the 7 week push up program I’m following.  This weeks push up workouts are listed bellow.


Day 1 ( 60 second rest or longer between each set)

Push-ups >40
Set 1 36
Set 2 40
Set 3 30
Set 4 24
Set 5 40+ (as many as possible with great form)


Day 2 ( 45 second rest or longer between each set)

Push-ups >40
Set 1 19
Set 2 19
Set 3 22
Set 4 22
Set 5 18
Set 6 18
Set 7 22
Set 8 45+ (as many as possible with great form)

Day 3 ( 45 second rest or longer between each set)

Push-ups >40
Set 1 20
Set 2 20
Set 3 24
Set 4 24
Set 5 20
Set 6 20
Set 7 22
Set 8 50+ (as many as possible with great form)


As you can see the program is now increasing to 8 sets per workout and also suggesting only 45 seconds of rest in-between sets. This will defiantly be a challenge! Now that I’m nearing the half way point of 50 consecutive reps, I expected the program intensity to increase significantly.

This week I went back to the actual gym for the first time in almost a year. It felt good to catch ups with friends I had not seen and just being in that environment caused me to train with a different intensity and focus.

As you can see my macros this week look really different withe the addition of carbs. I’m planning to do my first low fat carb up on Friday. I have dinner plans with friends on Saturday, so I decided to make my carb up only one day (usually I prefer 2 days). So even though my above macros are listed per day, my actual daily macros look very different.

In order to keep my calories under the required number and to continue my fat destruction progress, a change is required. So I will list bellow what my actually daily macros goals are for this unique week:

Monday -Thursday = 1,244 Calories, 266g Pro, 0 Carbs, 20g Fat

Friday= 5,844 Calories, 210g Pro, 1,206g Carbs, 20g Fat

Sat-Sun= 1,625 Calories, 294g Pro, 20g Carbs, 41g Fat

Normally I would do about 800g carbs Friday and then have 400g on Saturday to mix it up, so this will be a bit of a change for me. On Friday my carb load day this is what my process looks like. I start by having a protein bar that has some carbs, but lower fat. This begins the process of kicking me out of ketosis. About 3 hours after this I will consume some fruit. Around 2 hrs after that I will workout and the workout will be a full body high repetition workout. 5 sets of 20 repetitions for each exercise. Immediately following this workout I will consume about 20g of protein and around 30g of dextrose (fast digesting carbohydrate). Then over the course of the rest of the day I will consume high carb foods, that are low in fat and I will also keep my liquid low ( to reduce bloating).

Yesterday I posted a new video to my Youtube channel that is focused on how to use a digital food scale to assist you in accomplishing your health and fitness goals. You can check that out by going here : How to use a digital food scale to reach your health and fitness goals