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Welcome back to the eternal crown Lifestyle Podcast this is the first episode of season 2 & I’ve missed you. This is episode 15- 5 Keys to Achieving Your Breakthrough. I’ve got a lot to share with you and this is going to be an exciting episode of information and updates, so let’s get it started!

So first, I just wanted to share with you about eternal crown clothing, the eternal crown clothing brand is the brand of the bold, the bold for Christ! That’s right, It is a bold brand for Christians, who are unafraid, and unashamed of their faith & chose to love it out with boldness. Is that you? If so head over to , check out all the new products. We’ve got so many new items, men shirts, women’s shirts, jackets, hoodies, backpacks, flip flops, shoes, all kinds of things. With more coming soon!

I also wanted to share with you that soon I might be living in Africa for a year! I have submitted my application to join an internship program with the group that I served with in Tanzania last year. Still waiting for approval, before anything becomes official and then I’ll share more details with you. It’s an exciting opportunity & I’m really looking forward to bringing you on the journey with me!

Another exciting update is, today is the last day of January, January 31 2022. And this is pretty special day for me. Because this is the seven year anniversary of my complete and total freedom from pornography, and masturbation addiction. Now you may not think it’s a big deal, you may even laugh at me for speaking about it. To me this is  very significant, because that was something that I struggled with, for the majority of my life since I was like 13, all the way until 2015.

I share this because up until 2015, I had a limiting belief. That limiting belief was, this is just something I’m always going to live with, so I’m just going to have to learn to manage it. At that time I felt I was winning If I could get three months or six months of freedom at a time without relapsing. That was just how I was going to manage it. It basically became a binge purge type cycle for pornography.

In late 2015, I met one of my closest brothers in Christ. And he shared with me that it was possible to get total freedom and that he was walking in three years of that freedom. This really shocked me, I couldn’t believe it. I was like wait what it’s possible for us to actually get free from this addiction for good? When he told me that, it put a new possibility in my head. The result of that conversation was I walked straight out of the prison I had been living in and I never looked back! One of the best days of my entire life! That one moment of new possibility, shifted the whole course of my life!

Now today is the seven year anniversary of that moment and tomorrow I start year number eight. And I’m so grateful and so thankful. Because whether you personally believe it or not pornography is a very detrimental thing for everyone. It really messes with your life. It messes with so many different aspects of your life. And it’s just not good for anyone involved. If you want to learn more about it’s negative effects and my journey to get free check out my other podcast “ Blinded By My Sight -the porn problem.

The focus of this episode is not about pornography addiction. I just wanted to share that with you, because it’s how I first discovered the 5 keys I’m about to give you. Really what I want to share with you is the concept of persevering and enduring and pushing through for your breakthrough in life. Because right now you may be facing a challenge or an obstacle of some type . Maybe you’re even still in the midst of trying to hold onto your New Year’s resolution, you’re just not seeing the results that you want. You’re working on a business and the growth isn’t there or the support isn’t there. Whatever it is that you’re going through right now, I just want to encourage you and say do not give up. Here me again Do not give up. I believe in you and what you are capable of achieving even if it seems like nobody else does. I really believe in you. The reason I believe in you is because I’ve seen the difference that one day can make and the power it can have to shift everything! That’s what happened for me in 2015.

I know it can & will happen for you too, but you have to continue to press on and persevere. Look. I’ve started multiple businesses, and I’ve had some slight successes and I’ve had some complete and total failures. One thing I know is that sometimes you just have to continue on and build that momentum up until things just hit that point where something shifts! Even with this podcast,we have some good support for the first season, but I know it can be a lot better and a lot bigger And one day it will be  but right now I’m not focused on that I’m focused on staying  consistent and putting out good helpful content. If I can do that, then the results are going to come in time.

You can do that too in whatever area you are needing breakthrough in and reach your breakthrough moment. It doesn’t matter where you are right now, in your current circumstance or situation. Just don’t give up. I mentioned earlier about the limiting belief that was holding me back, but another real key point of any part of achieving your goals, your dreams, or breaking a negative habit or an addiction, is you must have a plan of daily action, and you have to follow through with those steps. Now, look, it’s not enough to just know something is possible.

Yes it begins with a change in belief about what is possible. But you must follow up that belief with action! You must actually follow a plan of action that aligns with the new belief. So when I figured out that it was possible to get free of this addiction, the next thing I did was take practical steps. I put blocking software on my electronic devices. I made sure that I was spending time in prayer each day & reading my Bible. I also made sure that I was reaching out and having good weekly interaction and communications with friends. I also got someone I could trust to be my accountability. Maybe that’s what you need, maybe that’s what you are missing.

You have to put together an action plan for things to line up and to succeed. Even in the area of fitness, maybe you’ve been over weight & out of shape for a while. Or maybe you’ve been struggling to put on weight and add muscle. First you have got to believe that you can do it, you must really believe you can change your body. Then you actually have to go out and get a plan, you’ve either got to create it on your own, or you’ve got to get somebody else’s plan or program and follow it and remain consistent. That really is one of the main keys for results. Being consistent day after day.

I will also throw this in for beginners, you also have to give yourself a little bit of grace in this too. I think that the motto of all or nothing when it comes to your fitness journey, especially if you’re just starting out is a really bad motto to follow. Instead, I like the Moto, some is better than none. What I mean is if you have just started making some small changes and are beginning to get on track and have a bad day. Quickly move past it and get right back on track immediately the next day.

Also a lot of people want to wait and try to start at the beginning of the week or even the beginning of the month. Look, you don’t have to wait till the beginning of the week or the beginning of the month or the beginning of the year. Just start right as soon as you decide you want to make a change. Start that same day or even the next day with just a few small steps. Because that’s the key, to just get started. Then after you have begun, along the way you can make bigger changes and develop a more complete game plan.

I mentioned this already as well, But when it comes to reaching your goals, achieving your dreams, breaking addictions, breaking Bad habits or whatever it is you are working on. You also need support and you really shouldn’t try to do these things all on your own. A strong community is really essential to your success. You need to be around like minded people. You need to be around others that are achieving the same types of goals that you want to achieve. You need to hear their stories of triumph, which is going to help reshape your mind to believe that it’s possible for you too. Also, when you have those difficult struggles and tough days, you’re going to have people there that have walked through it and can share with you how to continue moving forward.

Accountability is also extremely important, you need to allow others to be able to challenge you, and help make sure you are on track. I think we can all admit sometimes we don’t have the strongest self motivation. This is where a coach or mentor, or just a really good friend, that will check in with you, and that you’ve given permission to hold you accountable will become very important. That may be what you need to push yourself to the next level. Sometimes a personal trainer or coach serves to just help you push into new areas that are outside of your comfort zone that you wouldn’t normally attempt on your own.

When you’re trying to break an addiction, or a negative habit, you need somebody that is going to hold you accountable, so that they can check in with you and be like, Hey, are you doing the right things? Are you? Are you still on track? Are you still moving forward?  If you know that somebody is going to be checking in on you, sometimes that is all the motivation you need to keep you from quitting.

The last thing I would say is that compromise and complacency is going to ruin your progress. This goes back to simply, you must be consistent and follow the plan. No matter what you’ve got to go forward, and you’ve got to be able to follow through with your commitment. This means sticking with it until you see the results. When it comes to fitness and physical changes like that, a lot of times you won’t see the results for two or three weeks or more. That is when you’ve got to just know that you’re committed to what you’ve decided to do, and that you’re going to push forward until you reach your goal.

The same thing applies to business. If you’ve started a business, and you’re not seeing the success you want yet, but you know that it is what you’re want to do and what you’re supposed to be doing, then you’ve got to just keep going! This is when you must have a motivation driving you other than just money and success. You must really be passionate about what you are doing and it must be important enough for you to persevere. This is why you really need to focus on your Why. Why am I doing this? Why do I want to succeed? What is the benefit? Those are the things that are gonna help you continue moving forward, when it’s difficult & challenging. When you’re not seeing the results and you really want to give up, it’s going to come down to why it matters to you.

So those are the five keys I learned that are necessary for your breakthrough. Now I’m going to review them each real quickly.


Key Number 1) the first thing you must do is identify and change your limiting beliefs.

Key Number 2) The second thing is you must have a plan of daily action and follow those steps.

Key Number 3) The third thing is you need support and cannot do it alone.

Key number 4) The fourth thing is accountability is huge. You need to let others challenge you.

Key number 5) The fifth thing is compromise and complacency will ruin your progress. You must stay consistent and follow your plan.

You can apply these keys to any area of your life and they will help you get better results and allow you to achieve your breakthrough.

That’s really why I’m here. Maybe you don’t know how to apply all this in your life and it seems a bit overwhelming. Maybe you don’t know how to put together a plan or program to achieve your goals. Even If you do have the plan, you might need help executing it and staying accountable. Or possibly you just need a good community of like minded people to help you stay focused.

If any of those conditions apply to your situation I have got a solution for you . I have a new process that I developed that is a 120 day transformational life building program. It will help bring all of this together for you. It’s going to help you get in the best mental and physical shape of your life so that you can achieve all of your goals and dreams and go after the things that matter to you most in life. So if you’re a man that is just not happy with where you are in life, want to live healthier and know that you deserve more out of Life. I would encourage you right now to head over to where you can book a free 30 minute consultation with me. I will personally talk with you & we’ll discuss what it is that you need help with, so we can start working together as soon as possible. I want to help you reach your goals. I want to help you achieve your dreams. Ultimately, I just want to help you live a healthier & better life in all aspects of living.

I really hope this episode has encouraged you. I hope it’s motivated you to continue on until you see your breakthrough. I hope it has shown you that breakthrough is really possible. If you’ll just stay consistent and continue to move forward, you are going to reach the breakthrough that you want. I know that it can be a challenge. So just hear these words again, as I started off in the podcast, DON’T GIVE UP! DO NOT GIVE UP! Even if people are discouraging you right now. Even if people are speaking negative things into you, telling you it’s not possible, telling you that you can’t do it. I’m here to be a different voice for you to say keep going forward! Your breakthrough is closer than you even know and is really just one day or even one moment away!

Well that is it for this episode, it’s great to be back!  Remember, you are UNbreakable, what you stand for is UNshakable, and the impact you make is UNtakable and that is the Eternal Crown Lifestyle. Have a great day & I’ll talk to you again soon!



Ep15- 5 Keys to your breakthrough

In this episode I share with you what I believe are the 5 most important keys to achieving breakthrough in any area of your life!

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