Podcast Episode 10 Show Notes- 36 Tips To Upgrade Your Life Pt4

(Listen to the full episode here)


Eternal Crown Lifestyle Ep10- 36 Tips To Upgrade Your Life Pt4

Welcome to the Eternal Crown Lifestyle Podcast this is episode 10 36 Tips to upgrade your life pt 4. In this episode I will finish off my 36 tips for upgrading your life with the last 6 tips. If you haven’t listened to the first 3 parts go back and listen to those and hear the other 30 tips. These are very practical actions you can take to see improvement in your every day life. Remember the Eternal Crown Lifestyle Weekly Challenges are designed to help you implement this tips and more into your daily lifestyle. Have you been participating in the challenge yet? If not, start today. What do you have to lose? You actually have so much to gain by taking on the challenges. 

Ok here we go with the final 6 tips. Let’s get started today with number 31, which will help you increase your creativity. This tip is to listen to classical music. Instead of filling your minds with some of the garbage lyrics from todays most popular music, why not fill yourself with the pure creativity expression of classical music. Classical music also brings a peaceful energy with it, that will increase your mood. It inspires creativity and can help you to come up with creative solutions. Lots of people with really high IQ’s listen to classical music regularly, because of the state it puts your brain into when you listen to it. It has also been shown to help improve spatial reasoning in those who listen to it regularly. If you are doing work around your house, studying or another activity that allows for you to listen to music, try listening to some classical music and see how it changes things for you.

Tip 32 is a really big tip that I believe will help you immensely. This tip is to unfollow negative influences on social media. Social media has its pros and cons, but part of what determines whether it has a negative or positive impact on you is based on who you are allowing yourself to be influenced by. Why do we decide to follow people and the content they put out when it is not improving the quality of our life? If their posts are consistently about complaining or speaking bad about others, you simply do not need that kind of energy in your life. Why allow their negative or judgmental attitudes to impact your mood? Remember you can unfollow those kinds of people. You don’t need to be listening to what they are saying or following their lives. It is not healthy for you and will only cause you to respond with an attitude similar to theirs. Remember misery loves company, so when people post that kind of content they are trying to draw you in to those same feelings with them. You do not want to allow that to happen to you. Sometimes we follow people that put out negative content, because we want to oppose them or try to argue with them about their perspective. That is a waste of time, instead of arguing, why not just put out good content your self and make a positive impact on others? That is a much better use of your time and your social media platform. Stop consuming the negative content, even if it is coming from your own family or friends. That is what is great about the unfollow button on Facebook, you can still be friends, but your news feed is not flooded with their junk.

Tip 33 is to give more hugs to people. I know with everything going on in the world right now, this might be even more of a challenge than it usually is. That is exactly why you need to be giving more hugs right now ,because people need that kind of physical connection more than ever before. There is something powerful and special about that right type of physical contact between two people. We are designed for connection and a hug helps us to make a connection with another person and transfer good energy to them. Even if this is more just about your own family right now, because you don’t feel comfortable hugging people you don’t know very well. Hug the members of your family every day. Parents hug your kids every day and multiple times a day, because they need it; even if they won’t admit it. Husbands and wives you need to be hugging each other regularly too, because there is something different about the type of intimacy that is displayed in a real hug. It conveys a message about how important the other person is to you and that you want to be close to them. I didn’t use to a very big hugger, but now I definitely am. When I see my friends and family I give hugs , because there is just a special connection to the other person that can only come through a hug. It makes them feel good, but it also makes you feel good too. Both participants get great benefit from the connection that comes through a hug, so start doing it more!

Laugh more often is tip number 34. We all need more laughter in our lives, because after is truly good medicine for our souls. We need to enjoy this life more and get away from being down and negative all the time. Healthy laughter has the power to shift the atmosphere in a room and can be very contagious. Let’s allow laughter to be a bigger part of our lives, because when we are joyful it gives others the permission to be joyful too! You need people around you that make you smile and laugh for all the right reasons. These kind of people have the ability to transform any situation from dark and gloomy into a bright and joyous celebration. I want to be the kind of person that brings that kind of energy around and people want to be near. 

Tip number 35 is to complain less. Yes, I said it we all need to complain less! We need to have an attitude of being grateful. Why are we so quick to give the negative review or report, yet we almost never take the time to leave a positive one? We have been conditioned to look for what we don’t have or to pick out what is wrong. But we don’t have to continue with that type of out look. We can shift our perspective from seeing all that is wrong and begin to see what is good and right. Especially when it comes to people in our lives. We need to spend much more time building them up with encouragement and hope, then we do tearing them down by  telling them what is wrong. Most people already see the wrong thing in their lives, but what they really need help with is seeing all the good and right things in their lives that they have been blinded to. When we criticize ourselves or others all the time, it keeps us from seeing all the great things about our lives and the people around us. I love being able to point out all the good things I see inside of other peoples lives that they themselves do not see. It is great to help them have a new perspective on where they are at in life and where they are headed. Complaining does not create change, but choosing to have a new positive attitude towards life and your circumstance will. When you look for the good, you will find it and it will be able to have a bigger impact on your life. 

Ok we made it to the final tip, number 36 and this might possibly be the easiest one of all the 36 to do, but yeah so many people don’t. What is this final tip? Smile more often! We all need to be smiling more often during our days. There are positive physiological and psychological responses that take place in our bodies when we smile that are needed. When you smile it tells your brain to be in a good mood. When you smile it tells others you are approachable. A smile conveys a message of warmth and of value to the recipients. Have you ever noticed how when you smile at someone and they notice it that their whole countenance changes? It is almost like they light up and begin to glow. Why? Because they feel seen and that brings with it a sense of value and worth. We need to be showing the people that we are around that we see them and that they matter. I believe if there is one signal action you can take that will have the most significant affect on someones day it is to smile at them. You might not have the time to stop and talk, but a smile can say a lot to a person in just a few seconds. It can change the entire perspective on the day or a specific situation. When someone smiles at you, you don’t feel alone. You feel like you are connected and that someone else cares about what you are going through. So put on a smile daily and see how it begins to positively affect your own life and the lives of those around you too.

Well there you have all 36 of my best tips to help you upgrade your life. Now it is once again time to give you the opportunity to implement some of these tips into your life right now. The way I am going to do that is by issuing the 4th Eternal Crown Lifestyle Weekly Challenge  #ECLWC ). Remember for these challenges you are to perform the 5 items every day for the next 7 days straight. This will allow you to really see the difference they can make in your life when you add them in as part of your daily routines. 

1.)  Perform 50 squats, 50 Pushups and 50 Sit-ups every day. ( they don’t have to all be done at once)

2.) At the start of each day write down 5 things you are thankful for and read them out loud in the morning and a night before you go to bed. ( by the end of the 7 days you will have a list of 35 items) 

3.) Perform 10 minutes of your preferred cardio. ( This can be walking, running, biking, swimming, playing basketball, etc)

4.) Perform 5 sets of nasal box breathing ( 4 second inhale, 4 second hold, 4 second exhale, 4 second hold and repeat) Do all 5 sets at once or speak it out throughout the day when you feel you need to enter into peace the most.

5. Watch the sunset each day. Just take the time to go outside and enjoy the beauty of the sunset. If you have a spouse invite them to join you or you can invite your kids too. Just take the time to appreciate the day.

There you go the 5 items for the 4th week of the Eternal Crown Lifestyle Weekly Challenge. This challenge has you incorporating several elements from the 36 tips and will give you a chance to see how they can benefit you. I hope you have enjoyed this 4 part series and I’m looking forward to speaking with you in the next episode! Enjoy your week and smile!